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MEI Online: MEI Conferences: Flotation '19: Technical Papers

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The 9th International Flotation Conference (Flotation '19) was organised by MEI in consultation with Prof. Jim Finch and was sponsored by Magotteaux, Maelgwyn Mineral Services, FLSmidth, Axis House, Promet101, Metso, Glencore Technology, Eriez, Outotec, BASF, Clariant, Kemtec, ZEISS, Senmin, Hudbay Minerals, Nouryon, Solvay, Festo & Gold Ore. Media sponsors were International Mining & Imformed.

Flotation '19 featured 2 discrete symposia:


November 11-12: Flotation Fundamentals: Physics and Chemistry

Although now over a hundred years old, the fundamental aspects of flotation are still being intensively researched, and new machines developed. This two day symposium focused on:

  • Fundamental reagent and flotation chemistry
  • Bubbles, froths, bubble-particle interactions
  • Flotation cell hydrodynamics, kinetics and scale-up


November 13-14: Flotation Applications and Plant Practice

This two day symposium focused on the application of flotation, and included sessions on:

  • Plant Operations, particularly related to new technology, and process mineralogy problems
  • Flotation Circuits, and their modelling, simulation, control and optimisation
  • Flotation machine developments
  • Metallic, non-metallic and coal flotation
  • Environmental considerations




The conference was organised by MEI in consultation with Prof. Jim Finch.


Jim Finch

Jim retired from the Department of Mining and Materials Engineering, McGill University, as the Gerald G Hatch Professor Emeritus in Mining and Metallurgical Engineering in 2014. First appointed in 1973, he was promoted to Professor in 1985 and served as Chair from 1988 to 1991. He has held a succession of NSERC Chair awards since 1991. He has co-authored over 350 articles and two books, Column Flotation (1991) and Wills' Mineral Processing Technology Edition 8 (2016), and supervised over 100 post-graduate students.

He has received the Gaudin Award from SME, the Alcan Award, Silver Medal, and Innovation Award from MetSoc/CIM, and from NSERC in 2008, as team leader, the Leo Derikx Synergy Award for Innovation. A conference in his honour was held in Sudbury, 2009 and he was elected to the Academy of Science of the Royal Society of Canada in 2002.

Jim Finch



Flotation '19 was certified for Continuing Professional Development.




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