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MEI Online: MEI Conferences: Sustainable Minerals '18: Technical Papers

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Virtual Special Issue of Minerals Engineering

Selected papers have been published over the last few months in various issues of Minerals Engineering. These papers are now grouped together on ScienceDirect as a "Virtual" Special Issue (VSI) and can be viewed and downloaded at ScienceDirect.


Proceedings USB

The conference proceedings USB is available by emailing Jon Wills. The USB costs £59 which includes postage and contains the following papers:


Keynote Lecture: Water- crisis, conflict, resolution (?)
R. Dunne (Adjunct Professor Curtin University and JKMRC, Australia)

The potential of mineral processing simulators as a tool for water-saving strategies in the mining industry
B. Michaux, M. Rudolph and M. Reuter (Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Germany)

Towards closed water loops and tailings valorization for more sustainable raw material supply
P. Kinnunen, M. Paajanen (VTT Finland), J. Raatikainen (IMA, Finland), R. Emler (Montanuniversit�t Leoben, Austria), S. Guignot (BTGM, France), K. Heiskanen (Outotec, Finland), A. Ciroth (GreenDelta, Germany) and J. Guimer� (Amphos 21, Spain)

The impact of pyrite-rich sediment reactivity, consolidation and porewater migration processes on groundwater quality and environmental sustainability
O. Karikari-Yeboah (University of South Australia, and Maiden Geotechnics, Australia), W. Skinner (University of South Australia, Australia), H. Musiyarira (Namibia University of Science & Technology, Namibia) and J. Addai-Mensah (University of South Australia, Australia, and Namibia University of Science & Technology, Namibia)

Supplementing structural integrity through improved packing protocols to aid acid rock drainage prevention strategies
D. Mjonono, S.T.L. Harrison and A. Kotsiopoulos (University of Cape Town, South Africa)

Analysis of sulfidic coal production wastes using biokinetic tests combined with QEMSCAN
R. Bransgrove, G.R. Rollinson, B.J. Williamson and C.G. Bryan (Camborne School of Mines, UK)

Transformation of Dundee Precious Metals smelter in Tsumeb to a reliable and sustainable operation
N. Hristov and B. Plaatjies (Dundee Precious Metals, Namibia)

Current sustainable performance reporting practices by gold mining companies operating in South Africa
D. Viljoen, E. Charikinya and J. Broadhurst (University of Cape Town, South Africa)

Sensitive, selective and biodegradable � new biosorbents for metal recovery
R. Braun, S. Matys, R. Jain, K. Pollmann (Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Germany) and N. Schoenberger (TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany)

Cost-competitiveness of siderophores in recovering of critical metals from waste streams
R. Jain and K. Pollmann (Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Germany)

Improving the gold leaching process of refractory ores using the Jetleach Reactor
J.J. Mbayo, S. Ndlovu and H. Simonsen (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa)

Removal of boron from mining wastewaters by electrocoagulation method: modelling of experimental results using artificial neural network
T. Ribeiro, M. Torem, A. Merma, B. dos Santos and C. Grossi (PUC-Rio, Brazil)

Application of amphiphilic siderophores in froth flotation process
S. Schrader, S. Kutschke, M. Rudolph and K. Pollmann (Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Germany)

Keynote Lecture: Converting Fe-rich residues from metallurgical processes into novel materials
Y. Pontikes (KU Leuven, Belgium)

Critical raw materials � advanced recycling technologies and processes
R. Stauber (Fraunhofer ISC, Germany)

Electronic waste recycling in Africa � current status and roads to sustainability
Z. Sadan, T. Moyo and J. Petersen (University of Cape Town, South Africa)

Lithium ion battery recycling in Australia: state of play and future trends
N.J Boxall (CSIRO Land and Water, Australia), K.Y. Cheng (CSIRO Land and Water, and Murdoch University, Australia), A.H Kaksonen (CSIRO Land and Water, and University of Western Austrlia, Australia) and W. Bruckard (CSIRO Mineral Resources, Australia)

Limits of the circular economy: Fairphone pushing the limits of eWaste recycling
M.A. Reuter (Helmholtz Institute for Resource Technology Freiberg, Germany), A. van Schaik (Material Recycling and Sustainability, The Netherlands) and M. Ballester (FAIRPHONE, The Netherlands)

Challenges in building life cycle inventories on platinum group metal production in South Africa
E. Charikinya, J.L. Broadhurst, V. Russo and H. von Blottnitz (University of Cape Town, South Africa)

Thermoeconomic analysis of a copper production plant. From mine to cathode
A.A. Llamas (Technische Universit�t Bergakademie Freiberg/Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Germany), M. Reuter (Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Germany), M. Stelter (Technische Universit�t Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, A.V. Delgado (CIRCE, Spain), M. Hultgren, M. Peltom�ki and A. Roine (Outotec Research Centre, Finland)

Dezincing of galvanized steel
J. Grogan (Gopher Resources, USA) and C. Anderson (Colorado School of Mines, USA)

Fabricated soils from South African desulfurized coal processing waste
J.R.A. Filho, J.L. Broadhurst, S.T.L. Harrison (University of Cape Town, South Africa) and B.A. Firpo (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)

Desulphurization of aged mine tailings containing gold
A. Skandrani, I. Demers and M. Kongolo (Universit� du Qu�bec en Abitibi-T�miscamingue, Canada)

Bi-level depth assessment of an abandoned tailings dam aiming its reprocessing for recovery of valuable metals
M.C. Vila, J. G�is, J. Figueiredo, A. Futuro, D. Martins, M.L. Dinis and A. Fi�za (University of Porto, Portugal)

Uranium removal and recovery from synthetic mine wastewaters by sorption-desorption using waste digested activated sludge as sorbent
R. Jain (Tampere University of Technology, Finland, and Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Germany), S. Per�niemi (University of Eastern Finland, Finland), N. Jordan, S. Weiss, H. Foerstendorf (Rossendorf, Institute of Resource Ecology, Germany), M. Vogel (Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Germany, and Rossendorf, Institute of Resource Ecology, Germany) and A.-M. Lakaniemi Tampere University of Technology, Finland)

Modelling and simulation of mechanical separation processes using dynamic binning and neural networks
J. Hannula, G. van den Boogaart, M. Reuter (Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Germany), S. Luukkanen (University of Oulu, Finland) and Antti Roine (Outotec Oyj, Finland)

Optimizing production of yellow pigment by selective precipitation from AMD
M.P. Secco, R.T. Lermen, R.A. Silva (IMED, Brazil) and I.A.H. Schneider (UFRGS, Brazil)

Phase transformation of chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) to copper oxide (CuO) for selective leaching of copper
P.K. Choubey, J.-c. Lee, M.-s. Kim and H.-S. Kim (Korea University of Science and Technology, and Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Korea)



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